Legal Information
All information and materials available on the website are for informative purposes only.
Geavis d.o.o. assumes no responsibility or warranty with regard to uninterrupted use of the website. Everyone uses the website on their own responsibility. Geavis d.o.o. may change the website at any time and without prior notice, and assumes no responsibility for the results of any such changes.
The entire content published at is owned by Geavis d.o.o. Using, summarizing and quoting of said content is allowed provided the source is stated and notice is given to the company at
Protection of privacy – Data confidentiality
The Geavis website may be visited without having to provide any identification or give personal information. At some sites, however, the entry of contact information (e.g. e-mail address) is necessary for us to complete your order. Users bear the sole responsibility for the accuracy of the contact information given. The latter will be used in order to contact the user when necessary or when required by said user. You may revoke your consent to contact information processing at any time and Geavis d.o.o. will take all the measures necessary for your request to be fulfilled as soon as possible.